My little pony friendship is magic princess twilight sparkle - part 2
My little pony friendship is magic princess twilight sparkle - part 2

Thinking she may find more answers if she looks further into the past, Twilight takes another sip of the potion and watches Discord, in the middle of taunting the alicorn sisters and eating a bag of seeds, turned to stone by the power of the Elements. Nightmare Moon is sent into her thousand-year exile, and Twilight comes back to herself in the present day. Twilight now realizes she is actually witnessing a past event. After a stunned moment, Celestia gets back up, but she does not acknowledge Twilight instead, she reluctantly arms herself with the Elements of Harmony - in their original gemstone appearance. A bolt strikes Celestia and knocks her to the ground, to Twilight's horror and grief.

my little pony friendship is magic princess twilight sparkle - part 2

Nightmare Moon sneers at this and pursues her sister, firing magic blasts with clear lethal intent.

my little pony friendship is magic princess twilight sparkle - part 2

Believing the key lies in one of Zecora's potions, Twilight drinks it only to witness a horrifying sight: Princess Luna transforming into Nightmare Moon once more.Ībruptly, Princess Celestia steps in and orders Luna to lower the moon. When we last left our heroes, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were looking for answers to why the Everfree Forest is invading Ponyville. Special Guest Star: John de Lancie as Discord

My little pony friendship is magic princess twilight sparkle - part 2